Hassle-Free Recruitment Management with HR Software
Get manpower requisition form and related workflow for approvals. Our HR management software enables you to search in the resume database with keywords. The easy-to-use application allows you to send bulk emails to candidates. Schedule an online test or interview rounds with automatic alerts to candidates through emails.
Key Features of Recruitment Software
● Manpower Requisition Form and related Workflow for approvals.
● Vacancy Creation and related workflow for approvals.
● User-friendly Resume Database Management.
● Easy Integration of Online Resume Submission by the candidate.
● Search in Resume Database for keywords, Vacancy Requirements Search inside records, CVs, notes, emails, etc.
● Review, Shortlist, Tag Candidate Profiles.
● Online test for a candidate.
● Schedule Interview Rounds with Automatic alerts to Candidates through Emails.
● Update Interview Results with Automatic alert to Candidates through Emails.
● Generate Offer Letters to candidates with Automatic Alerts to Candidates through Emails.
● Generate Appointment Letters to candidates with Automatic Alerts to Candidates through Emails.
● Post/View/browse Candidate Details, Notes, Emails, History, and CV with simple clicks.
Track Employee Performance to Increase Productivity
The HR performance management software lets you define company objectives and initiatives. Employees can regularly keep posting goal progress which is automatically available to the manager. The 360-degree appraisal can be achieved where managers, subordinates, peer groups, customers, and vendors can rate the employee based on various user-defined parameters.
Key Features of Performance Management Software
● Company Objectives and Initiatives can be defined.
● Goals/KRA derived from Company Initiatives can be maintained.
● Job Description (JD) based goals are maintained.
● Goal sheet allocation for the employees with a workflow between manager and employee can be done.
● Upon Goal Sheet Approval by the employee and manager, the goal sheet is assigned to the employee.
● Employees can regularly keep posting goal progress which is automatically available to the manager.
● At the appraisal event, managers can view goal sheet achievement and rate the goal sheet.
● KRA/competencies / QA forms can be designed by the user and can be allotted to employees at the time of appraisal.
● Notes can be put in by Managers, dotted managers.
● The 360-degree appraisal can be achieved where Managers, Subordinates, Peer groups, and Customers.
● Vendors can rate the employee based on various user-defined parameters.
● Normalization of appraisal score provided for the HR function.
● Appraisal result is available at the time for Promotions/increments.
● An appraisal is fully automated, user-defined, and workflow based on email intimations.
● Not closed Appraisals and conflicts can be tracked.
Training Management with Online HR Management Software
Our training software lets you create courses and schedule training. You can also define the expectation from the training. Employee training cost can be calculated. Pieces of training schedules for the calendar are predefined and available to the employees online. After the training, employees can post feedback, and faculty/trainers can also post the rating of the participant employees.
Key Features of Training Management Software
● User-defined Training Course / Course Categories available.
● Course Programs can be created resulting in a Training Schedule for a given Training Year.
● Nominations can be done through.
• Employees can nominate themselves Online for the training through self-nomination.
• The manager can nominate his subordinates for the training.
• Nomination can also be done due to Training Need Analysis.
● Faculty / Coordinator and External Agency masters can be maintained.
● While designing Courses, Qualifying Skills, Qualifying Courses, disqualifying courses, Reading Links, etc. can be maintained.
● Direct Cost and indirect cost per employee can be maintained.
● Employee training costs can be calculated based on the formula.
● Pieces of training Schedules for the calendar are pre-defined and available to the employees online.
● After the training, employees can post feedback, and faculty/trainers can also post the rating of the participant employees.
● Date-wise Employees / Whole Program Attendance can be maintained easily.
● Training Locations, Training Venues, Special Needs during training.
● Expectations from the training can be defined.
● Based on the predefined Priority scheme training program can be allotted for the limited no of seats.
Make all of your manual work automatic today. Companies like Oppo, Bharat Petroleum, Samsung, and many more trust our HR software. Contact us today to get the best solution for your needs.