What is Director identification number (DIN)?
Director identification number (DIN) is a unique identification number allotted to a person wanting to be a director of a company. To obtain DIN, the concerned person needs to make an application in e-form DIR-3.
Facts of the case:
M/s. SVPL is a registered company having its registered office in the state of Bihar. The company has three directors...
Presenting the upcoming TDS Rate Chart for AY 2025–26, FY 2024–25!
This TDS Rate Chart will help you understand the applicable TDS rate and provide a quick reference guide for Employers, Deductors and many more!
To view the entire TDS rate chart, click the link below:
TDS Rate Chart: Assessment Year: 2025-2026 Financial Year: 2024-2025 👈 DOWNLOAD
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1. Introduction of the Case:
The court order identifies the case as a Special Civil Application No. 16484 of 2022, titled Gopal Bhai Naranbhai Vaghela versus Union of India & Anr., before the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad.
2. Appearance of Parties:
The appearance section lists the legal representatives for each party:
Mr. Ramnandan Singh for the petitioner.
Mr. Pathik M. Acharya...
Penalty under section 221 is levied when there is a default in payment of tax. Under sub-section (1) of section 221, the assessing officer is empowered to impose a penalty where an assessee is in default or is deemed to be in default in payment of tax. The said penalty is leviable in addition to the amount of the arrears and the amount of interest payable under section 220(2). Further,...